Hey There
So happy you have found me. I'm where you go when you want something entertaining other than Netflix, or any other streaming service. A little piece of life, escapism, or just a reality check.
Maybe you have read something of mine, online or in print and want to know my 'story'. Afterall, everyone has an origin story - a fascinating tale of trauma and triumph. Well, kind of... keep reading if you are intrigued in finding out about the person behind the writing moniker KA Flanigan, or just want to read more funny, personal, sad, gripping stories of human life.
All About Me
What is a 'job' anyway? It's a timestamp in a life than spans much more than just where we go and what we 'do' in order to be paid to do the things that really matter... So, in telling you I have been a student of Osteopathic Medicine, an Accountant, a Teacher, plus worked in admin, hospitality and animal nursing. Oh, and also a mother, the most courageous job of them all!
But, calling myself any of the above titles, never did seem like I was referring to the person I dreamed of becoming as a young girl. I grew up in North East Victoria, played ALOT of sport and loved school. Yes, that is something that kids these days, don't seem to say or feel. School provided a place to learn, which was not always fostered at home. Although I remember the days when a volume of World Book Encyclopedia would arrive, and as a family we would assemble and watch the expanding bookcase take on a sort of mystic glow. Oh, what a time to be alive!
A few years ago, I took my writing to a new level. I wrote my first novel - a Young Adult manuscript called Riding the Quantum. I am querying publishers currently, and hope to announce someone has fallen in love with my story of Evan Kidd, a 14 y.o champion mountainbiker, forced to move to the flattest country in the world, and devastated to lose his chance to defend his Australian MTB title. Once in The Netherlands, he is targeted by the obnoxious son of his new principal; struck by lightning whilst riding and suffers a near fatal fall on his bike. He must overcome all these challenges and more, by trusting his eccentric science teacher, Mr C, and entering into the Quantum Universe, where he discovers that reality is what you dream it to be.
So, what's next? Lots of short story writing - which I absolutely love, love, love! And, a new project, a psychological crime thriller, with a working title of Rage. Stay tuned!